Grading Scale


Grades are given on daily class work, tests, projects, teacher observation, and oral and written

work. Samples of graded work will be sent home on Fridays. We encourage you to review the

papers with your child. All graded papers are to be returned.

We use E, S, N, and U in all subject areas. The grading scale is:

E = Excellent 100-90

S = Satisfactory 89-75

N = Needs Improvement 74-70

U = Unsatisfactory 69 and below

A student will be given ample time to complete work. Incomplete work will need to be finished at

some time as we see fit. Our Report Cards are based on the cumulative grades your child receives

over the course of the quarter.  Report cards will come home every 9 weeks. Progress

Reports will come home as necessary. We encourage you to visit the Parent Connection online. It

allows parents to look at their child’s grades and attendance on the internet. You will be receiving

a letter with instructions and passwords to access this information. Grades will be posted by

Fridays. Please be aware that grades will not be taken in every subject every week.  I also encourage you to keep in touch

with me in regards to your child's grades.